With almost half a billion people suffering from diabetes worldwide, diabetes research is of global relevance. Since 2017, PhD students from Technische Universität Dresden and King’s College London have been jointly researching new strategies and therapeutic options for the treatment of diabetes in the International Research Training Group 2251 “Immunological and Cellular Strategies in Metabolic Disease” (ICSMD). ” By working together in the transCampus and the IRTG, we provide our PhD students with the unique opportunity to understand that the enormous challenges of complex diseases require teamwork across borders and the true spirit of international collaboration,” says Prof. Dr. Kaomei Guan, Deputy Director of the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Carl Gustav Carus Medical Faculty of TUD and Deputy Speaker of the International Research Training Group. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is now funding what it considers to be an outstanding project with international exemplary characer for another four and a half years with a volume of 5.8 million Euro. Based on the knowledge gained in the first funding period new research interests have been identified, such as the leptin receptor and its role in the onset of type 2 diabetes or the translation of islet cell transplants into pre-clinical trials. “Especially in times of Brexit, projects like this gain even more importance,” says the spokesperson of the IRTG, Prof. Dr. Stefan Bornstein, founding dean of transCampus as well as director of the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic III and the Center for Internal Medicine at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital of the TUD. “In these times, our scientists and physicians also act as bridge builders.”
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