Anita Behme, TUD, Chair of Applied Stochastics, René Schiling, TUD, Chair of Probability Theory; Markus Riedle, King’s, Professor of Probability Theory, Eugene Shargorodsky, King’s, Professor in Analysis
Despite several delays and inevitable changes to the original plans caused by the ongoing Covid crisis, the team of Anita Behme and René Schiling (Dresden) together with Markus Riedle and Eugene Shargorodsky (London) realised many activities in a virtual way.
Planned for mid-2020 at TU Dresden, a joint 3-day workshop could finally take place online via Zoom in December 2020. Additionally, colleagues from Wrocław joined the discussion about infinite and non-infinite Lévy processes. And the PhD students established first contacts remotely, since it was not possible for them to stay in Dresden for two weeks. A second workshop at King’s College will be replaced by a virtual autumn/winter school. The full workshop programme from 2020 is available on the Faculty’s website.
In teaching online, the digital format of lectures both at King’s and TUD enabled students to take part independently from their location. Markus Riedle and Eugene Shargorodsky offered a lecture series on “Probability on Banach Spaces” within the MSc program at TUD. Furthermore, King’s opened some of their virtual MSc courses to TUD students, offering a most welcome extension of the course digest. Ten TUD students took advantage of this excellent opportunity and could choose out of the twenty-five courses offered at King’s.
The lecture series by Riedle and Shargorodsky is intended to continue in the winter term 2021/22 with a different topic. The pandemic situation permitting, the Math team plans to offer a face-to-face block course, which will be embedded into a research visit of the two transCampus professors.