The kick-off meeting of the IRTG 2773 “Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders” took place and for the first time, Dresden students met their London PIs and fellow students in person in early September. Prof Michael Bauer (TUD) and Prof Allan Young (King’s), the spokepersons of the IRTG 2773, welcomed about 30 participants from TUD and King’s at the IoPPN (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience).

Stefan Bornstein, who joined via zoom, encouraged the students by sharing the success story of the TransCampus and IRTG 2251.
The inspiring talks about translational psychiatry were followed by a campus tour including a visit of the famous Maudsley hospital.

In the following days, the students had the unique possibility to attend two conferences. The IGSLI (International Group for The Study of Lithium Treated Patients) meeting, which is usually open to members only, gave the students the opportunity to present their projects in a poster presentation where they received valuable input and feedback from the IGSLI members and PIs.
The final highlight was attending the International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD) conference.