Dr Alexander Kleymann, specialist for internal medicine at the Medical Clinic and Policlinic III at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, recently spent six months at the Rheumatology Department of King´s College Hospital in London as locum consultant. Previously, he spent two weeks as an observer at King’s in October 2015 and established a clinical collaboration for the transCampus between the two departments in Dresden and London. Dr Kleymann’s duties at the hospital were very diverse and he was quickly involved in the routine care for inpatients as well as outpatients. He was also engaged in clinical research for one day a week. Overall, Dr Kleymann sums up his stay in London as a great opportunity: “I was swiftly accepted as a part of the team, met inspiring colleagues, gained additional clinical and research experience, and overall greatly enjoyed my time.” The transCampus offers clinical exchanges for medical personnel and encourages everyone to seize that chance and gain experience in another country.

Experience from 6-month-sabbatical at the Rheumatology Department of King’s College Hospital